Monday, July 10, 2006

....Thanks for standing by

Rocketboom's new episode? None yet. We're just told to be patient. So the question becomes: what is the hold up?

Is this intentially building tension? That could be a decent strategy. The risk is that a new one won't be released in time to capitalize on all the attention and curiosity. Manipulating publicity can be a dangerous stunt. It would be a shame if this is all a ploy that comes back to bite Rocketboom.

Is this because there isn't an episode? That is also a strong possibility. But then one has to ask: "Andrew knows the web and apparently understands Web 2.0 and the social internet. Of all people he should realize you gotta be honest and communicate. The biggest way to make enemies, or even worse, create apathy, is to not communicate the truth."

Are they waiting for Amanda's interview of Scarborough Country? Now this is an interesting question. Could they be waiting to see what Amanda says on MSNBC before they release the latest episode? It is possible. Searches for Rocketboom will definitely be up.

Regardless, the lack of a Rocketboom episode at the appointed time certainly raises questions. And just when we thought we might find some answers...


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